It's been ... a while. But I love when others share their hard work and want to give back. So I'm trying again. This year, my pre-K and kinder kids are working together on learning some nursery rhymes. We'll focusing on rhyming, memory work and FUN! So the plan is: each week we'll have a new nursery rhyme to learn and have fun with!
Our first week of school we're doing "I Scream".
Monday: We'll read through our poem and find words that are the rhyme.
Tuesday: We'll read through our poem and then make a tissue paper ice cream cone, using a cone from this page as a base.
Wednesday: We'll read through our poem then put it together using large words.
Thursday: We'll read through our poem, then practice it from memory, then make ICE CREAM!
Friday: Practice our poem from memory and then recite it during Recitations.
17 hours ago