Though it's been a while since I've blogged about school, we're still going! I've been working with N on writing/reading lessons that I used with my first graders. She's currently on lesson #3, and is loving it! Each list has 5-7 words. With N we've been spending a week (or more) on each list. The first day we read the words, then write them in some way. We've used the white board and magnetic letters, so far. One of the activities we do weekly is "
See, Spell, Write". I write the word in the first column, then she makes the word with letters and glue, then she writes it in the word in the last column. I've introduced her to word searches, which she loves, mostly I think because I let her use highlighters for the words. Here is the link to
Lesson 1's word search. This week she's going to rainbow color the
words, using a different color for each letter. We've used cards (
lessons 1&2,
lessons 3&4). One week we played "Hide and Seek" with them. Another week N jumped to the word that I called out. I'm planning on putting them on a ring, so that she can practice reading them in the car, etc, but I haven't bought a ring yet.
We've been playing a lot of games. Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Number Bingo, puzzles of all kinds (sequence, numbers, etc).
One day each week we go to story time at the library. Another morning is running errands. I've been trying to plan an intentional activity for the other mornings that both kiddos can participate in. We've painted, played with beads, put together a cat. This week, on Tuesday, it's Winnie the Pooh day, (according to
this website) so we'll be watching a Winnie the Pooh movie.
Lesson 1 - a, and, at, am, as
Lesson 2 - it, is, in, me, mom
Lesson 3 - go, got, get, can, cat, be, but